"The Pillars of the Earth" is a novel by Ken Follett that tells the story of Tom, a poor builder who have a dream of build a pretty cathedral. To do this, he will have the help of Philip, the prior of Kingsbrigde. However, Tom will have to also confront the ambitious bishop Waleran Bigod and the fury of Family Hamleigh, who stay willing to do everything to have what they want. All the story happen in the Dark Age, during the war for succession of King Richard I's throne, in England.
In the moment, I'm in the middle of the book and I think that is amazing. The story is fantastic and have characters real and enigmatics, besides of the plot that arrest us. The action's scenes are so described, although, this doesn't make the text boring, on the contrary, makes it better and more interesting. Finally, the book is wonderful and I will continue to read
Arthur Montenegro