October 22, 2014

The Pillars of the Earth

"The Pillars of the Earth" is a novel by Ken Follett that tells the story of Tom, a poor builder who have a dream of build a pretty cathedral. To do this, he will have the help of Philip, the prior of Kingsbrigde. However, Tom will have to also confront the ambitious bishop Waleran Bigod and the fury of Family Hamleigh, who stay willing to do everything to have what they want. All the story happen in the Dark Age, during the war for succession of King Richard I's throne, in England.

In the moment, I'm in the middle of the book and I think that is amazing. The story is fantastic and have characters real and enigmatics, besides of the plot that arrest us. The action's scenes are so described, although, this doesn't make the text boring, on the contrary, makes it better and more interesting. Finally, the book is wonderful and I will continue to read
Arthur Montenegro

October 14, 2014

New Cover models for Percy Jackson and the Olympians

INTRODUCTION: In news, you, my reader Crazy for Books, will know all the details of postings, and news in the world of books.

New cover models from the collection Percy Jackson and The Olympians were launched. From "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" to "Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian" have a new cover, and they together form a single image.

Bianca R. M. Uemura

"The Selection" Trilogy Review

"The Selection" Trilogy  Review 

“The Selection” is a trilogy, which tells the story of America Singer, the only girl in the whole world who hated the idea of becoming a princess and marrying the prince, Maxon Schreave. She has other plans and somebody else in mind. But what if she subscribes to The Selection for the next princess, obligated by her mom, and gets selected? Will her relationship last? What if he forgets her? What if the king begins to hate her? What is she going to do? She will have a lot of doubts and a big decision to make. How will she handle all this? – A very exciting book, with lots of hilarious moments and a plot that is impossible to stop reading. I absolutely recommend it! It’s much more than just a princess book, it involves policy in a distant future, rebellions, a totally unfair division of social classes and a mystery involving the plot described above. I recommend it for adventure, romance and fiction lovers! Hope you have enjoyed the review and that it helped you with your next purchase!!

Geórgia A. Dutra



Books x Films: An Introduction for a New World

Books that are converted in films aren’t always accepted successfully by fans. I guess I think differently about that transition, and I don’t get very disappointed when I get out from the cinema. If you stop to think, the movie is based on the book, and it’s not made especially for fans. The point is: the producers have to make a cool movie, that could attract a person who is not a fan, and even make him/her read the book! Besides, they have a time limit to comply, it’s impossible to put everything that is written in 400 pages  in one movie.
Moreover, movies make a book even more realistic, you get a concrete character, in a concrete place, you see and feel what you’ve read, you get a different sensation of the one from the book. About that detail from the book that is not in the movie? Some things are not translatable, but I know people still get sad about that (including me).
Just like in everything, we have films and films. Some are perfect, some are acceptable and others are horrible. Nothing to declare about the perfect ones, because they are rare and, well, perfect. About the acceptable ones: the majority. Those ones have some things, details usually, that changes other bigger thing, and make the film a bit distorted. Horrible films: seriously, the producers didn’t read the books and tried to make the films. The only similarity are the names of the characters. How could an author approve those? I wouldn’t.
                                                                                                                                               Ana Tofetti