Posting and Commenting Rules

1. WRITE IN ENGLISH: The main communication language used is English, so your posts and comments should be made in English, but remember that the most important thing here is to communicate your idea, even if this means that you won’t write as a pro.

2. TALK ABOUT READING EXPERIENCES: You can talk about something you are reading right now (even if you haven’t finished yet), something you’ve read some (or a long) time ago, or even about something you want to read, as long as you have something interesting to talk about and that you let your readers know that.

3. READ IN ENGLISH (PREFERABLY): It is expected that you talk about things you’ve read in English, but if you would like to share a nice reading experience you’ve read in another language, you are welcome to do so.

4. GIVE REFERENCES: When referring to a literary work, don’t forget to give all the details about it: Title, Author, Editor, etc. Always provide the original title, so if you’ve read a translation, search the original title to inform your readers.

5. BE CAREFUL WITH SPOILERS. Talk about the books/stories you read in a way to involve the readers and give them an idea of what they can encounter. But don’t give away key events which are supposed to be discovered throughout the reading experience, or, at least, give a very clear SPOILER ALERT, so they can choose if they want to now this or not, okay?

6. BE POLITE: In no way will impoliteness and rudeness be tolerated either in posts or comments, so be nice and polite in what you write, even if you don’t agree with someone’s opinion. It is okay and even healthy to disagree, but do so in a nice way, okay?

7. DON’T CORRECT YOUR FRIENDS: Spelling or grammar corrections, when they are made necessary (because they prevent understanding), will be made in private, by the teacher. If you find something strange and think you can help a fellow writer with their writing, check with the teacher what the best course of action is.

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